This application should help tourists explore things that the user wants to do in Stockolm and its surroundings in a easy and informative way.
Data requirmements
The data that is required for this product to be a good alternative for the existing products within this field has to be very accurate. The size of data won't be massive because we will focus on the best experiences for the user. We have to make sure that the data is up to date(probably updated a couple of times a month) and precise.
Environmental requirements
This will be a product that only requires a smart phone and a internet connection (for some parts). It is supposed to be useable anywhere and at any time. It will only take input via the fingers of the user.
It will possibly have a sharing function built in to be able to interact with other users.
The design itself will be intuitive and modern so the user will learn how to use it by using it. The technical environment will be a hand held smartphone with an internet connection for more content.
User charachteristics
Our intended user groups key attributes:
- Casual users, probably used a smartphone quite a bit
- Different nationalites
- Fairly young (18-25yr)
- Mobile and willing to spend som money
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